This Fanuc Software is ideal for Engineering Companies and Small Workshops.
The Licence is Permanent and does not need renewing or a Maintenance Fee to be paid each year.ISO Code is instantly produced using all G and M Functions which will then run on most CNC Lathe Machines.Programs can be stored on hard drive or memory stick and then taken to a machine and downloaded into the control for you to then produce the actual components.
Time Studies can easily be done for costing exercise’s, and a print out of the programs is also available.
£4,500 + vat
Bonus Point
This Software has been upgraded and refreshed from the Old FAPT System used so successfully for over 30 years. It now offers the following Functions
- Windows 10 and 7 Compatible.
- Program Made and executed just like the old FAPT system.
- Imports available for DXF, IGES and Step Files
- Tool Files available for Both Spindles and Turrets
- Customise Post Processor to suit nearly all Fanuc Controls
- Additional Items added include, Twin Spindle, Twin Turret Facility
- Passover between Main and Sub Spindle Menus
- Supports X, Z, C and Y Axes machining on Both Turrets and Spindles
- Icon Description with Mouse hovering over it.
- Material Files now available allowing correct speeds and feeds to be Calculated
- CAD Package included to allow drawing of Components and convert from DXF format to Component Shape, also includes IGES and Step Files
- ISO Code Output direct (No NC Conversion required)
- Shapes easily modified and corrected.
- Using the correct Speeds and Feeds will give a close correct Time Study for costing a component out.
- Previous Users of FAPT and PC Fapt will require very little training and an immediate time saving on Programming Parts.
- No Mandatory Yearly Maintenance Fee required.
- USB Dongle supplied to activate Software, but can be loaded onto other PC’s just switch the dongle into the required PC.
- Copy, Rotate and draw Parallel shapes.
Enquire about this software
If you’re interested in purchasing this software, give us a call on 01926 438 363 for latest availability
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