A series of seemingly unrelated events come together to create a win:win situation for a Mills CNC machine user and a CNC Training Academy customer.
Earlier this year when Kettering-based hydrant flow meter manufacturing specialist, Langham Industrial Controls Ltd., was looking to recruit a new member of staff to operate its recently acquired Fanuc controlled Doosan Lynx 220 LSYC lathe – the company approached Mills CNC who supplied the machine, as well as members of staff at the CNC Training Academy, to see if they knew, or had trained, someone who might be interested in taking advantage of such an opportunity.
It just so happened that, only a few weeks earlier, the Academy had trained Mr Krzysztof Zasadzki – a man who, for many different reasons, had made a positive (and favourable) impression on Academy staff.
After an exchange of emails and telephone calls between all parties (which ultimately culminated in a face-to-face job interview), Krzysztof was offered the position and started work at Langham Industrial Controls in May 2019.
Langham Industrial Controls
Langham Industrial Controls is the sole UK manufacturer of Hydrant Flow Meters that incorporates ABB AquaMaster electromagnetic flow meter technology.
Established in 1996 the company which is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 accredited, has a reputation in the market for the quality and reliability of its products, and for its proactive and value added after-sales service.
The company manufactures, fabricates and assembles its flow meters in-house. To improve its machine shop facilities and make its machining processes more reliable and secure the company, in 2016, invested in a new, high-performance Doosan Lynx 220 LSYC lathe from Mills CNC.
Says Nigel Langham, Director at Langham Industrial Controls:
“As part of our ongoing and company-wide continuous improvement programme we make regular and strategic investments in our plant, technology, processes – and our people.
“To improve our manufacturing capabilities and capacity we made the decision (back in 2016) to invest in a compact, multi-tasking lathe and, as part of this process, undertook an in-depth search to identify the most appropriate machine (and machine tool supplier) that would meet our present and future requirements.”
Part of the search involved the company visiting the 2016 MACH Show where it was able to see a Lynx 220 lathe in action on Mills CNC’s stand.
Remembers Nigel Langham:
“We liked what we saw and we were also impressed with the range of after-sales services that Mills CNC could provide. So much so in fact that we ended up placing an order for the Lynx lathe.”
The 8” chuck Lynx 220 lathe is fast, accurate and flexible. It is equipped with a sub-spindle and driven tools and has Y-axis capability.
Since being installed back in 2016 the lathe is being used to machine high accuracy components in small volumes from a range of different materials, from solid and casting, that include aluminium, steel, plastics etc.
Part and parcel of Mills CNC’s after-sales service provision is the high-quality CNC operator and programmer training it offers to customers via the CNC Training Academy (a division of Mills CNC).
To get to grips with the new machine and its control, and to start getting a return on investment as soon as possible, Langham Industrial Controls sent a member of staff onto the requisite CNC training course at the Training Academy.
Everything was progressing as planned until this member of staff left the company. (To be continued…)
In January 2019, Mr Krzysztof Zasadzki began a two day full-time Fanuc milling operator course at the CNC Training Academy.
After completing the course he followed it up, in subsequent weeks, by attending and completing:
- a two day Fanuc turning operator course;
- a three day basic Fanuc milling programmer course;
- a three day basic Fanuc turning programmer course.
Krzysztof paid for all four courses by himself – from his savings.
Says Darren Clarke, Trainer at the CNC Training Academy:
“The CNC Training Academy provides a comprehensive range of operator, programmer, maintenance and advanced CNC training courses to Mills CNC customers and to adults who want to brush-up on their CNC skills.
“We also offer these courses (starting with basic and introductory courses) to adults who are looking to start a career in engineering and machining.
“Krzysztof fitted into this category and he really did stand out from the crowd.”
There were a number of issues that made Krzysztof memorable to Academy staff.
– he was self-funding his training
– he attended and completed four courses in just eight weeks
– he was a trained chef
– he was committed and was eager to learn
Concludes Darren Clarke:
“Krzysztof was clearly determined to change careers and his heart was set on a job in engineering.”
At the time (April 2019) when Langham Industrial Controls was looking for a setter/operator for their Lynx 220LSYC – Mr Krzysztof Zasadzki completed his (four) Academy courses and was looking for a job as a machine operator.
Says Nigel Langham:
“I had contacted the CNC Training Academy to see if they knew anyone who could be suitable for the setter/operator position in our company.
“Krzysztof was mentioned in glowing terms and, after a few phone calls and emails between us, we arranged for him to visit us at our facility.”
In May 2019 Krzysztof began work at Langham Industrial Controls as a setter/operator.
Post script
Since May 2019 Krzysztof has attended further courses (Fanuc Manual Guide i) at the CNC Training Academy.
In only a few months he is now setting up, operating and programming the Lynx 220 lathe.
Says Krzysztof Zasadzki:
“It’s amazing how everything just came together at the same time.
“I was looking for a job and Langham Industrial Controls was looking for a setter/operator.
“Mills CNC and the CNC Training Academy were the conduit that brought us together.”